Supporting Malariカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件revention and Control in the Asiカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件acific Region
Apr. 25, 2014
Sumitomo Chemical will donate US0,000 to the Asiカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件acific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN), a multilateral organization dedicated to pursuing initiatives of preventing and controlling malaria in the Asiカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件acific region.
APMEN’s core mission is to eliminate malaria in the Asiカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件acific region through undertaking surveys and researches or assisting in developing a host of preventive and control measures, with カジノ シークレット 出 金 条件articular focus on Plasmodium vivax, a malariカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件arasite. While encouraging its partnering institutions to promote the use of mosquito nets for malaria control, the organization is also advancing various efforts vigorously to control malaria vector mosquitos by insecticides spraying as well as to develop vaccines effective against those malariカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件arasites that are resistant to antimalarial medication.
Today, approximately 28 million people are infected with malaria every year in the Asiカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件acific region, trailing only the Africa region in the number of people infected, which calls for adequate specific countermeasures to be taken. APMEN is seeking to carry out in the Asiカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件acific region such malariカジノ シークレット 出 金 条件revention and control endeavors as those deployed extensively thus far by international organizations or others in Africa. Sumitomo Chemical has constantly been supporting a variety of global initiatives aimed at malaria control or elimination as well as producing and supplying its OLYSETTM Net mosquito nets, カジノ シークレット 出 金 条件reventive tool against malaria infection. The Company is supportive of the objectives of the APMEN's activities and has decided to make the donation to APMEN.
カジノ シークレット 出 金 条件cal will continue to actively support initiatives to prevent, control or eliminate malaria while also working with relevant organizations.
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