Home EHS & Quality | カジノ シークレット 出 金 of collection and making database of safety data
Sumitomo is uniquely developing various systems and tools which is applied to evaluation of カジノ シークレット 出 金ty as below;
The Safety Engineering Group at The Production & Safety Fundamental Technology Center studies
and assesses カジノ シークレット 出 金ty, researches safety measures, measures and evaluates material safety
data, compiles a database on safety technologies, and undertakes training for safety engineers in its
efforts to enhance カジノ シークレット 出 金ty management and to prevent accidents such as fires and
A total of 3,271 material safety data measurements were taken in fiscal 2014 (3,322
measurements in fiscal 2013) カジノ シークレット 出 金 request of Sumitomo Chemical and Group Companies.
A safety information database has been created by collecting information on accidents in Japan and overseas and preparing abstracts of such accidents. As of the end of March 2015, 38,698 sets of data were stored in the database (37,470 sets of data as of March 31, 2014). This system allows all employees at each Works or Research Laboratory to search stored abstracts, and abstracts and their original data can be viewed or printed at individual terminals. These data are also used in process hazard evaluations and case study examinations to prevent similar accidents.